Larry Carlson Art

From time to time I enjoy posting about psychedelic artists here at the psyamb blog. This time I would like to introduce you all to the wonderfully psychedelic art of Larry Carlson. Larry's art is quite varied but all of it exhibits themes of psychedelia and plain old weirdness that is a real delight to the eyes. From traditional collage work to digital photography he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible when trying to express ideas around the psychedelic experience.

G4Tech TV called him “The Salvador Dali of the Next Century”, and they may be right in that assessment. Larry is also an avid music producer having created 7 albums of surreal soundscapes to date. Most of his art comes is standard sizes however , for me, what really impresses is his "web art" series in which he creates massive vertically scrolling digital collages. They are perhaps a little too big for me to include here so follow this link to view his web art series page.

Larry Carlson Art

Larry Carlson Collage

Larry Carlson Digital Collage

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