Intimate Enemy Release Date

Close this windowMy amazing, beautiful, wonderful, spectacular, genius editor at Ellora's Cave just gave me my release date and ISBN for my latest and greatest sci fi romance erotica book


Faced with a life of sexual servitude, Azure runs away in search of help. What she finds on a space station in enemy territory is soul-searing sex with her intimate—the one male in the galaxy who matches her body, mind and spirit.
Lone, a dual blood, doesn’t want to bond with Azure, who belongs to the race that has nearly destroyed him. But he has never felt so loved or so moved by any female.
Together they must overcome prejudices that have kept their races apart for hundreds of years and escape before Azure’s past catches up with them and kills their future.

Line: Aeon (sci fi lovers this line's for you!)
Series: None (Yet!)
Book Length: Novella (the perfect too loooong, not too short)
Book Type: eBook (Grab your Kindle or Nook)
Publisher: Ellora's Cave Publishing (Is there any other house out there?)
ISBN: 9781419939099
MSRP/List Price: $5.60
Our Cover Price: $4.45 (sooooo worth price)

Love, light, and laughter!
Jocelyn Modo