Tips on purchasing a good car battery

Tips on purchasing a good car battery

Driving in your car every day, you may have gradually understood what the car battery does for you. Starting the monitor, function the ignition system, support the normal function of the lighting and accessories are all in need of battery. What is more, in case that the charging system is out of work, car battery is there providing your car electrical system with power.
Realizing what an important role it plays, you have no doubt occasion to purchase high quality replacement battery.
This car battery buying guide will instruct you on this problem.

1. Know the Identity of Your Battery

Identify the type of battery used in your car by referring to your owner's manual. What if the manual is lost:
*Log on the website of manufacturer to find out an e-manual for your vehicles.
*Visit the car dealership to see what kind of battery your car uses.
*Ask for advice from an expert at the local auto accessories store which you can trust.
*Check it out on your own. Keep in mind that car battery is the rectangular part with wires attached. Lift up the hood and make note of group size off of the label as well as specifications such as "reserve capacity" and "cold cranking amps".

2. Have an Understanding of the Terminology

It is time to compare battery prices. However, you are not in a position to compare the price if you lack understanding of the terminology used with car batteries.
The battery ability to start the car in the condition of coldness is measured by Cold cranking amps which is also called CCA. The size of the car battery CCA rating should be the same with or go beyond the car's OEM cranking rate.
On the condition that the alternator fails to function, reserve capacity is the number of minutes your car might run using the battery alone.
Group size means the outside dimensions and placement of power terminals on the battery. Opt for the group size recommended for your car though there is a broad range of group size for your option.

3. Record it

Record everything about your battery like age of battery, Vehicle make, model, and year, group size, battery reserve capacity, battery CCA

4. Purchase

There are a wide range of options in online shops and in the local market. Try to make more comparison for the best deal on the new car battery.

5. Installation

Mounting a new car battery with no experience and basic understanding can be of great danger, because car batteries include strong acids and can even discharge large amounts of electricity if it is handled not properly. In this case, you had better turn to the professionals for installation. Installation fees can be quite different from one place to another. Sometimes it is out of charge. So you need to take the installation cost into account in addition of the car battery itself.

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