Information on Fixing ABS Brakes

Information on Fixing ABS Brakes

Antilock brake systems are basically upgraded versions of ordinary brakes that function to keep brakes from locking or sliding during unfavorable driving conditions. Information on fixing ABS brakes can be helpful, like tips on utilizing its warning features as well as dealing with parts that are known to experience trouble such as speed sensors and control modules.


    ABS brake systems were made to keep drivers informed about possible failures as they occur. A flashing ABS warning light could indicate a low level of hydraulic pressure or low levels in fluid. Do not drive a vehicle that has both the brake and ABS warning lights flashing.

Speed Sensors

    Due to the magnetic qualities of wheel speed sensors in ABS brake systems, they can attract and accumulate harmful debris. Sensors are also known to have faulty wiring issues. Defective speed sensors -- except those built into the wheel bearing assembly --can be replaced.

Control Module

    The ABS control module controls the hydraulic pressure formed during braking. This part is prone to damage from electric overloads as well as very hot temperatures. Defective control modules -- except for the type that is built into the hydraulic modulator assembly -- can be replaced.