Bugaiti Veyron Cars: Most Expensive Car In The World

Sometime back I wrote here at Planet Apex about the world famous and super expensive Bugatti Veyron cars an article called what is the most expensive car in the world? In that article I wrote about whether the much acclaimed, Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport car was the most expensive car in the world or whether that title of the most expensive car in the world actually belong to another older relation of this Bugati Veyron 16.4 which is a 70 odd years old Bugati Royale priced at 1.6 million US dollars! That was a much discussed article and was quoted by some readers in forums and blogs and triggered some curiosity among many to check what is the most expensive car in the world.

 Image: Stunning picture of the most expensive car in the world, Bugati Veyron 16.4 photo taken by Manju at Tokyo  car picture from Wikimedia

That aside, today the world is facing a major economic crisis. Many big American banks have failed and the real estate secter is in an all time low. Blue collar workers and white collar worker have lost their jobs and people find it very hard to live the lifestyles they used to live formerly. That is the sort of business climate that prevails today. In such a climate how will luxury super expensive car brand like Bugatti Veyron survive in year 2011 when normal average and really helpful vehicle and automobile companies like Ford Motors, General Motors suffer and almost go bankrupt?

However this uncertain and crisis ridden economic climate doesn't seems to have affected the planets super expensive Bugatti Veyron cars much. peaking to Montreal Gazette, the market Manager of American Bugatti Automobiles company, Mr. John Hill says Bugatti veyron automobiles company have sold over 260 Veyron Bugatti cars and 35 grand sports Bugatti Veyrons in the first ten months of 2010 alone! According to him it is a sign of strength and demand that will continue despite the economic crisis in the business world. He expects this trend for Bugatti Veyrons to continue into 2011. Presently, Veyron model Bugatti Automobiles has delivery orders for 249 Bugati Veyron car models and 22 Grand Sports Bugatti Veyron Cars.

 Image: Normal Bugatti Car

According to Montreal Gazette, prices for the Super Sport range from 1.65 million euros ($2.17 million) for painted carbon, to 1.95 million euros ($2.56 million) for exposed carbon. Bugatti estimate that 30 per cent of the total sales volume for the Super Sport Bugatti Veyrons will be achieved in the American markets despite market conditions, which is consistent with their past experiences for the Bugatti Veyron and Super Sport cars.

So what does all this mean to you? Just shows the super rich and richest guys on the planet will continue to buy even the most expensive car in world when normal people struggle to keep their jobs and put food on their tables.