Apple's Next Big Thing: Customer Service?


Wait a minute, isn't customer service already a big thing at Apple? Isn't their service always rated highly (if not the highest) in various reports and reviews? Of course it is. Every time I've needed customer service from Apple (in store, online, or over the phone) it's always been consistently superb. Not just good, but superb.

So what, pray tell, could I possibly mean about customer service being Apple's next big thing? Well, as Apple has moved from niche, to boutique, to now (arguably) mainstream can they continue to have the same level of service? I believe so, however this will be one of the key areas to watch as they move foward.

Mark my words, this will be their greatest challenge over the next couple of years. Remember, Grandpa now has an iPhone and Apple's products are no longer for the design-conscious geek in your life. Apple is a mainstream consumer product manufacturer, but I'd bet on their customer service any day over HP, Microsoft, et al.

- Hutch