Sydney’s Google Developer Day 2011

It’s just one more sleep to Google Developer Day in Sydney.

We’re hard at work preparing to welcome over 1200 developers to Google Developer Day in Sydney tomorrow.

For the uninitiated, Google Developer Day is a one-day event featuring advanced technical talks and workshops on Google platforms and products.

There’s a great line up exploring the latest developments in Android, Chrome, HTML5, Google’s cloud technologies, Google+ and more. For example, there will be sessions on Building Integrated Applications on Google's Cloud Technologies, Bleeding Edge HTML5 and High-performance graphics for Android.

We’ll also be hearing from some Aussie and Kiwi entrepreneurs on what it takes to run a successful start-up, as well as hearing from a diverse group of speakers in the ever-popular Ignite lightning talk sessions. You can see the full agenda here.

We’ve already showcased the finalists of the Google Developer Day Open Call HTML5 challenge, and tomorrow we will showcase the finalists of the Google Developer Day Open Call Android ADK challenge. Be prepared to be impressed by an UAV, a rainbow predictor and cocktail-mixing machine all developed on the Android platform.

For those who are in town early, there’s a Sydney GTUG meetup tonight.

If you can’t be at the event, you can still download the GDD Android app, follow the speakers and local Googlers circle on Google+ and follow the hashtag #gddsyd there or on Twitter.

Posted by Sally-Ann Williams, Program Manager, Engineering