[Giveway] Get Free Domain Name

Well with a new blog I decided to start giving away free stuff on a regular basis. I will start by giving a free .com/.in domain for 1 year. I will purchase the new domain & give it to you if you are the winner.

What to do to Win?

In order to be eligible to win all you have to do is Go through Below Banner & Complete the Registration :

After Completing Registration Leave your Email Address in Comments. & you will Get your Domain within 2 weeks.

 How often does the Domain Giveaway run?

I will be running the domain giveaway every week. All you have to do is just keep an eye on the countdown clock in the sidebar to know when I will make the next announcement of a winner.

While your at it feel free to subscribe to my feed. I may be giving away prizes to just my Feed Readers as well in the near future. Are you liking this so far? That’s the power of the Techishq!