Signs That Car Brakes Are Going Bad

Faulty brakes pose a serious safety hazard when you're on the road. Fortunately, brake issues can often be detected before they become serious, if drivers know some of the warning signs. Things to watch for include unusual sounds or smells, as well as an inability to stop the car as easily or as smoothly.

Brakes Smell Hot

    If you're having a harder time stopping your car or you need to pump the brakes, it may be due to a buildup of heat around the brake assembly, which can ultimately result in brake failure. You'll notice a burning or a "hot" smell after parking the car.

Car "Pulls" When Stopping

    If your car pulls to one side when you attempt to stop, it is usually a sign that the brakes are out of adjustment. Eventually, this will cause uneven brake wear and make your car more difficult to handle while stopping, especially if you have to stop quickly at high speed.

Squeaking Noise

    Usually, the first sign of brake wear is a squeaking noise when you apply the brakes. A squeak occurs when your brake pads are worn down and need replacement. This is a good time to have your brakes serviced before more extensive, not to mention expensive, problems occur.

Grinding Noise

    Once the brake pads are completely worn through, a grinding noise caused by metal-on-metal contact will occur. This a sign of a serious brake problem, and it needs to be corrected immediately to avoid putting you at risk.

Pedal is Hard to Depress

    If you need to apply extra pressure to depress the brake pedal, it may be a sign that the vacuum assist unit, which makes the brake pedal easier to depress, has a leak and needs to be repaired.