Summer Romance Story Writing Contest

The following contest info is from Lisabet Sarai. There's no entry fee, prize is $100 plus a contract with rights reverting after a year.

1PlaceForRomance could use your help.  We're holding a Romance Story Writing Contest.  The theme is SUMMER.

Published Authors and Rising Stars will compete in separate categories for editing and cover services, cash prizes and an exclusive sales contract at 1PFR. Finalists will be selected by the staff at 1PFR. The winners will be selected by the readers at 1PFR.

Story length is 5000-7000 words. Stories must be received by June 1, 2011. Can you help us find authors looking to reach more readers, looking for a fun contest, with a great theme? Maybe they need a reason to set aside their serious WIP and do something fun to get their muse flowing or just need a break!

See for details and a link to the official rules.  Questions? Send them to:  Promotion at