Password Manager

Hi Folks,
today I wanto to point out this interesting article made by dfischer. Basically it analyzed five password managers trying to answer to two main questions:

1) How secure are they ?
2) How usable are they ?

The post is well written and it's pretty clear thanks to its division, and for what I know it's original one. I would probably change the question (1) in "How easy is to get access to passwords wallet?", in fact dfischer in this post, analyzes the "authentication" property rather then the "security" one; which is much more general including: source code review, exploitation analysis, crypto analysis, network sec and so on. Moreover it's not clear, to me, how he "measure" usability. There is a huge community over it (here, here, here, here etc..) with tons of parameters and literature. But anyway, beside that I do like this post and I firmly recommend it as reading.

The post conclusions follows:

1Password – Simple, gets the job done at a simple level. Prone to security Breaches. Best UI & Usability
LastPass – Simple to Advanced Technicality. Works as advertised. Very secure. Mediocre UI & Usability.
PassPack – Moderate to Advanced Technicality. Very secure. Nice UI & Usability.
Your Mind – Advanced Technicality. Very Secure. Bad usability.
KeePass – Most advanced. Can be extremely secure. Bad usability.