How to Replace the Rear Brakes on a 2003 Chevy Avalanche

The 2003 Chevy Avalanche features rear disc brakes on some of the vehicles, while others have drum brakes. In either case, the process to replace the rear brakes is not difficult. Regardless of the type of brakes you have on yours, you can complete the project in your garage or driveway in just a couple of hours. With the labor rates at repair shops being as high as they are these days, it is important that you be able make as many repairs to your Avalanche as you can. Note that these instructions apply to the Chevy Avalanche with rear disc brakes.



    Open the engine compartment and remove 2/3 of the brake fluid from the master cylinder using the turkey baster to siphon it out. Place the fluid in the drain pan for later recycling. Place the wheel chocks in front of the front wheels of the Avalanche.


    Raise the rear of the Avalanche on the side that you will be starting with. Place a jack stand under the Chevy near the jacking point and raise it to the frame. Loosen the lug nuts with a wrench to remove the wheel.


    Loosen the brake caliper retaining pins using a socket and ratchet. Pull the caliper from the wheel assembly and remove the front brake pad. Place the caliper and the back brake pad between the jaws of the c-clamp and turn the handle until the piston fully seats itself, in order to push the caliper piston back into the housing.


    Remove the c-clamp from the caliper and discard the back brake pad. Insert the new brake pads into the caliper. Place the caliper in the mounting cradle on the wheel assembly. Tighten the retaining pins with the socket and ratchet. Place the wheel on the Avalanche and tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench. Remove the jack stand from under the Chevy and lower it to the ground. Repeat the process on the other wheel.


    Pump the brake pedal several times when you finish both wheels until it is firm. This seats the brake pads onto the rotors.