BMW to Let MINI-E Drivers Preview ActiveE Mobile App

BMW has sent out emails to the MINI-E pioneers and offering us an exclusive look at the newly developed mobile app for ActiveE lessees. Unfortunately at this time it's only ready for iPhone users, Android users will have to wait a while before it's ready, but the email below confirms that it will be ready before the ActiveE launch. This is good news because BMW originally said they were only going to make an app for the iPhone, and not other operating systems. That prompted me to email a few folks over at BMW and to also post on the ActivateTheFuture forum that we need apps for other operating systems, at the very least and Android app since it has more users that ios. The good news is that BMW listened and they are making an app for Android, but it looks like Blackberry users will be left out. That would appear to be the reason why the iPhone app is ready to be previewed but the Android app isn't.

Below is the email that was just sent out to the MINI-E lessees:
Thank you for contributing to the development of the BMW EVolve mobile app. As a MINI E Pioneer, only you have access to trying it prior to its public release. If you have an iPhone®, simply sign up to preview the app. But don’t worry. BMW EVolve will be available for both iPhone® and Android™ smartphones once it goes live.

With the app, we want everyone to have access to data from their current driving habits to help determine if a BMW ActiveE or an upcoming BMW all-electric vehicle will be right for them. The app also provides access to exclusive EV driving tips provided by the experts, you. Best of all, this collective data will help BMW design future electric vehicles.