New Theory on How Egyptian Pyramids were Built

 A French architect has come up with a new theory on how the giant Egyptian pyramids were built and it seems he may have cracked the 4500 years old pyramid mystery.

According to architect Jean Pierre Houdin’s new theory, the pyramids were built from the inside out, through an internal spiral ramp.

Houdin said, "This is completely new [theory]. Everyone [before] me thought that the pyramid was built from the outside, only the outside."

The two main existing theories on how the pyramids were built are;
  1. 100,000 slaves laboured for 20 years to construct a single pyramid and they used a giant frontal, mile-long ramp to haul the huge stones up.
  2. A giant ramp snaking around the pyramid was used to haul up the huge stonework.
Here is a 3D computer image released by French company Dassault Systemes on the new theory. A internal main ramp which was used to haul the massive stones to the apex contained 10-15 metres beneath the outer skin of the pyramid is seen.

And scholars of ancient Egypt think this is a more plausible theory than existing ones. Egyptologist Bob Brier told, "This [theory] goes against both main existing theories. I've been teaching them myself for 20 years but deep down I know they're wrong." But, "Houdin's vision is credible, but right now this is just a theory. Everybody thinks it has got to be taken seriously."