Mix up Those Pillows

Multiple throw pillows in contrasting colors, patterns and texture add more interest than just one matched set of pillows. Mix it up!

Very often people order a beautiful sofa and it arrives like this. It's a lovely shape and nice color on the upholstery, maybe even an interesting texture or pattern, but boring with the matching pillows. Even option 2, with contrasting pillows, lacks a wow factor.

So mix it up with pillows in different colors, textures and patterns. Here are rooms of beautifully mixed up pillows to inspire you!
 Room by Melissa Warner in House Beautiful

Above and below (2) rooms by Andrea Schumacher, O Interior Design and featured in Colorado Homes & Lifestyle.

One of my favorite designers, Mary McDonald mixes up pillows in room with a strict color palette, from Veranda.
And some mixed up pillows from Beautiful Habitat.

Find more tips on fabric and upholstery.

Beautiful Habitat: Interior Design & Decoration www.beautifulhabitat.com