BSNL JTO (Junior Telecom Officer) – Telecom Model Exam Paper 2009

Q.1 A house served by a 220V supply light, is protected by a 9-Ampere fuse. The maximum number of 60 W bulbs in parallel that can be turned on is
(a) 11 (b) 33
(c) 22 (d) 44Q.2 An n-channel JFET has IDSS = 1 µA & VP =–5V. The maximum transconductance is
(a) gm = 0.4 milli mho (b) gm = 0.04milli mho
(c) gm = 0.04 mho (d) gm = 0.4 millimilli mhoQ.3 The base to base resistance of a UJT is 6 K Ohm