BMW Announces a Series of Four Short Films on the Future of Mobility

BMW is stepping up their promotion of their Efficient Dynamics program and electric car plans. They have made a series of four short films that feature people like astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the CEO of Virgin Galactic George Whitesides, VP of consumer products at Google Marissa Mayer and a host of other notable personalities. I'm even in there for a bit talking about my experiences driving an electric car for nearly two years now. BMW had me fly out to LA to talk with two other MINI-E drivers, Peder Norby and Todd Crook on camera about out thoughts on the "electric " future. The four films will all be released online in February, but you can view the trailer by clicking HERE. Oh, and when the films come out, let me know how my "acting" was, I think I could get used to living the "Hollywood" life! Enjoy!