New Ordnance Factory at AmethI, U.P.

A decision has been taken in the year 2007 for setting up an Ordnance Factory at Korwa at an estimated investment of ` 408.01 crore by October 2010.

The constructions of most of the Shops, Buildings and Services have already been completed. An amount of `48 crores has been expended towards Civil Works till date. 25 nos. of Plant & Machineries have been tendered for procurement with an estimated value of `65 crores. Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Carbines are to be produced at OFPKR at a production rate of 45,000 per annum. Besides, 20,000 nos. of 5.56 mm INSAS Rifle and 5,000 nos. each of 0.32” pistols & Revolver and 0.30”-06 Sporting Rifles are also to be produced annually.

The surplus FGK (Field Gun Factory, Kanpur) land can be better utilized by setting up manufacturing facilities that are consistent with the product mix of FGK as also for augmentation of capacity for high calibre guns only.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Shri MM Pallam Raju in a written reply to Shri Tapan Kumar Sen & Shri T K Rangarajan in Rajya Sabha today.
