Mending the washing machine

It's not good, in the run up to Christmas, to hear a bang from the washing machine and for it to stop with a flashing 'Rinses' light.  Our venerable Miele Novotronic W865 did this to us recently and the thought of paying out for a new one on top of the other household bills in December did not appeal at all.
So what to do?  We first rang Miele customer support.  No problem, they say.  Call out £98 for the first hour plus parts plus VAT.  Nice.  Then they say we can sign up, for £200, to a 12-month warranty and have it repaired.  Nicer.  But then they said that my machine was too old (it wasn't - the girl had mistakenly interpreted the warranty).  Still too expensive though.
What next?  Out comes the laptop and off we go(ogle). Interestingly I found this thread on DIYnot eventually which seemed to match my symptoms.  Looking at the potential cost of parts (under £5) it was well worth attempting the repair myself - even if that didn't fix things - so I ordered a fuse and a relay and fitted them both to the controller board (the fit took less than 15mins) and we now have a working machine.  And I now have a happy wife.