Flush and Fill -Cooling System Repairs-Bleeding Air Out of your Car

This article is about bleeding the automotive cooling system now that your car is over heating after some cooling system repairs have been made. Have you ever performed a flush and fill on your car or truck and you notice now that your engine temperature begins to rise until it over heats and boils over out of the radiator? What happens is that during this procedure an air bubble was created inside of your cooling system and created an air pocket. Because of this air pocket, your cooling system has stopped circulating the antifreeze. What you need to do now is purge or bleed the automotive cooling system out until the air bubble is released from your car and it does not over heat any more.

Engines Equipped With Brass Bleeder Screws

Some automotive engines have small brass screws located around the thermostat housing that need to be opened with the car running. You will see small bubbles of antifreeze leaking from the brass screws. When the small bubbles of antifreeze turn into a steady stream of coolant emerging out only then it is time to close the brass screws and fill the radiator back up. Once you have topped off the radiator with the required antifreeze and water 50/50 install the radiator cap and watch the engine gage. Bleeding this type of automotive cooling system when your car is over heating is normally found on the import models.

Engines Without Brass Bleeder Screws

Bleeding the automotive cooling system with out the brass bleeder screws can be very tricky when your car is over heating. On this type of car engine without the brass bleeder screws, you have to bleed the cooling system quite a few times. I have found out over many years of performing flush and fills or repairing the cooling system that you will have to bleed the air out of the system or your car or truck will immediately over heat and your temperature gage will show Hot. If this should happen to you while servicing your cooling system let the car or truck idle until the coolant bubbles disappear and you see a steady flow of antifreeze pouring out of the radiator. You may have to perform this procedure a few times until you quit seeing the air bubbles coming out of your radiator. Turn the engine off, fill the radiator, and install your radiator cap. Bleeding the automotive cooling system when your car is over heating can be dangerous and some times very time consuming.

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