Easy Holiday Decor - Ribbons

One of the easiest and least expensive ways to spruce up standard Christmas decorating is with ribbon or tulle. Both can add texture, shimmer and color to your holiday scheme.

Use it on the tree.

Use it on the mantel.

Use it with the nativity.

Add it to any greenery, wreaths or garland.

And to take it up another notch - use the same ribbon or tulle throughout your home, then use it in your gift wrapping.

It makes a beautiful statement and takes your Christmas decor to a new level. The best part is you can reuse the ribbon for many years before it wears out! The amount of average household trash increase by 25% during the holidays. You'll be doing your part to reduce that, while making your holidays beautiful.

Beautiful Habitat: Interior Design & Decoration www.beautifulhabitat.com