BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics Gets the Green Light!

I know this is a BMW ActiveE site, but this news is too good not to report. The Megacity isn't the only plug in car that BMW will be offering in 2013. BMW just announced the above pictured prototype called the Vision Efficient Dynamics will also be available for sale in 2013!

I'm sure there will be some changes from the above pictures prototype, but the car will be basically the same mid-engined plug-in hybrid supercar when it goes into production and that is really awesome. Now obviously this will not be a car that the average Joe will be able to afford. Hell, I'm probably much better off financially than the average Joe and I can't even think of shelling out the estimated $150,000 it's going to cost, but that's not going to stop me from wanting one. Anyway, I figure maybe, just maybe BMW might want to give me one. Yes, that's right, I said GIVE me one. Let me explain.

By 2013 when it will be available, I'll have spent over four years in the MINI-E and ActiveE programs, providing BMW with lot of information and valuable data, but that's not nearly all. I have also been blogging about their e-mobility programs, speaking at many green car expo's and doing everything I can to promote the MINI-E and ActiveE programs. I've spent days at a time shooting videos for BMW, doing photo shoots and speaking to dozens of newspaper, magazine and online journalists about BMW's commitment to sustainability and their electric car future.

So I figure by the time the car is available, I'll have spent 50 months driving and promoting their brand. That's roughly 1,500 days. So now if the car costs $150,000 and they were gracious enough to GIVE me one, that would be like paying me $100 per day for the entire time I've been "working" for them. Geez, when I put it that way it doesn't sound so crazy after all..... I bet it would look great in my garage parked next to my shiny new Megacity. Both cars charging with the electricity I produce with my solar PV system, now that's a garage of the future! Anyone over there in Munich think this is a good idea and wants to make me really happy? I guess you know where to find me if you agree and oh yeah, I'll take mine in black, please. ; )

For more details on the car, follow this link.
 Update: I just uploaded this video of the car