Secretary General of CCGEW released a circular regarding agenda points discussed in the national secretariat.CGE PORTAL reproduce the same for central govt employees to get information about this circular.

Circular No 20/2010                                                                            Dated: 30th Oct. 2010

Dear Comrade,

            The National Secretariat of the Confederation met today as per the notice issued.  The following agenda items were discussed.  The decisions taken on each item are as under

Item No.1. Review of participation of CGE in 7th September, Strike.  Detailed reports on the participation of employees in the strike action were presented to the house by the representatives of various affiliates and State Committees of the Confederation.  Reports received at the CHQ were also gone through.  It was apparent from the reports that the participation in the strike action could have been much better had certain steps been taken at the appropriate time by the affiliates and the State Committees.  It was also noted that wherever the State Committees of the Confederation were in existence and had taken initiative to mobilise the employees, the strike had been very successful.  It was also evident from the discussion that wherever the affiliates had taken serious steps ,the strike participation had been very good.  The best performance was reported by the Income tax Employees Federation, All India RMS and MMS employees Union and the All India Groundwater Board Employees Association.  It was therefore decided that the State Committees must convene a meeting in which the leaders of all affiliates unions of that State (up to the Branch/Unit level)  and the strike participation discussed in the presence of the National leadership.  The Sectt.(CHQ) will indicate the schedule for such meetings.

Item No.2 Finalisation of the dharna programme at different  State Capitals to protest

against the victimisations of employees of the IA & AD. Wherever it was not implemented.

At the instance of the Secretary General All India Audit and Accounts Association, it was decided to defer the implementation of this programme for some time.

Item No.3. Finalisation of charter of demands (common to CGEs) and progamme of actions thereon.

Various issues were discussed which have arisen from the very retrograde recommendations and objectionable implementation of them by the Government.  Though the issues have been taken up in the National Anomaly committee and at the National Counil, the meeting felt that no positive outcome should be expected thereof.  The house also felt that the large number of anomalies created by the 6th CPC can only be rectified by a total wage revision. Taking this view into account, it was proposed that we should demand a fresh revision of wage structure with effect from 1.1.2011 for the 6th CPC tenure would complete the 5 year period on that date.  Since the Government has conceded to effect wage revision in the case of PSU employees after every five years, the meeting felt that this demand is appropriate.  The meeting also noted that by 1.1.2011, the D.A component in the wages would exceed 50% .  The meeting therefore decided that a comprehensive  charter should be adopted at the next meeting of the National Council of the Confederation.

Item No. 4 and 5 were deferred for discussion at the National Council.(Subscription from  affiliates and adhoc bonus)

6. Affiliation application:  In the case of Bureau of Mines Safety, Dhanbad, the meeting asked the Sectt. to depute a representative to go to Dharnbad and hold discussions with all concerned and submit a report to the Sectt. for taking further decision in the matter  In respect of Survey of India, Com. President informed the house that he along  with  the Secretary General had been to Dehradun sometime back and it was decided that all organisations in the Survey of India including the newly formed Topographical employees association will form a Co-ordination Committee and the same will seek affiliation with the confederation. The meeting decided to request all organisations in the Survey of India to constitute the Co-ordination Committee.  The meeting decided to grant affiliation to the Association of Lakshadweep employees.   The meeting also decided to depute one of the Sectt. members to go over to A&N Islands with a view to revive the functioning of the State Committee of the Confederation.

Item No. 7. Venue and date of next Council meeting. It was decided to hold the National Council at Mumbai on Ist December, 2010 for which a separate notice is being issued.

Item No.8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. At the request of Com. P.V. Ramachandran, the house decided that the Confederation should demand that those cadres which were included in the JCM scheme at the inception (Since they were Group C employees then)should continue to be  the categories eligible to participate in the JCM irrespective of the new classification ordered by the Department of Personnel from time to time.

The house also decided to take up the matter of inclusion of all Audit employees including Railway Audit employees to be covered by the CGHS scheme as before.


With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.