Kung Fu Master (2010)

This movie takes excellent advantage of the greatest parts of the kung-fu action movie–the incredible fight scenes and masterful choreography. But where it lets down somewhat is in the plot. See, this movie is great as far as action goes–it’s a constant, almost endless, string of fight scenes, each bigger and more outlandish than the last. Tan Zong will take on concubines with knives, guys with harps, pit traps, spike traps (in one amazing scene he’ll tackle five guys with umbrellas), but what he won’t do a really great job of is advancing the plot. I really don’t know a whole lot behind the why of Tan Zong is chopping and kicking and smashing his way through a horde of enemies until at least a third of the way through the movie. That’s playing things just a bit too close to the vest for comfort. So basically, how you feel about this is going to be largely dependent on your personal preferences in terms of what you want out of your movies. If you want a good story, you’re going to be disappointed here. But if you like a lot of fists and feet flying, then this is going to be a huge pile of joy for you.

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Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Pass : firdi27@IDFL

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