Auto Mechanics and Auto Repair Shops: Tips Tricks Rip-Offs and Scams

As a former auto mechanic for over twenty five years working in various auto repair shops, I want to tell you some of the tips, tricks, rip-offs and scams to watch out for. Keep in mind not all auto repair shops and auto mechanics are out there to trick and scam you. But the ones that are out there to rip you off could be your local auto repair shop and you may not even know it. Your auto mechanic is suppose to be there to help you make difficult decisions easy but could use that against you. Here are some tips to watch out for when having your auto repaired.

Let me start off with taking your car or truck to your local auto repair shop for an oil change. You may be thinking how can I be ripped off and scammed for this small service. To avoid these tricks you may ask the auto mechanic if you can watch him perform this type of service. Some auto mechanics will walk into the waiting room and show you the condition of your fluids and lubricants. One trick that is used quite often is he or she will dirty up the item he is bringing in to show you.

If it is your transmission dipstick the bad auto mechanic will find some very dirty transmission fluid and convince you that is yours and needs immediate attention. If his scam works then he just ripped off eighty dollars from convincing you to have a transmission fluid and filter change.

Auto repair shops that offer a free brake inspection can boost your auto repair bill very high. The auto mechanic will take you on a tour around your auto and explain to you what he found by inspecting your brakes. The tip here is to have some one with you who has a basic knowledge of how a braking system works. One trick used here by auto mechanics is to squirt some brake fluid on your hydraulic components and convince you that they are leaking and is very dangerous to drive.

Other scams to be on the look out for on a typical brake inspection is the auto mechanic will adjust his gauges to show that your rotors and drums are to worn out to resurface. The trick here is to get you to buy new brake rotors and brake drums when in fact you do not need them.

These are just two services auto mechanics and auto repair shops use when they are out to trick and scam you the customer. I will have to follow up with another article to expose the rip offs used in all of the auto repair services in a later story.