More tools for viewing document revisions

A new revision history interface is now available in Google documents that makes it even easier to see document revisions when collaborating.

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team, Partner Edition and Google Apps for Government

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
- To see the new interface, go to ‘File’, then ‘See revision history’ when editing a document.
- Click on a time stamp in the right column to see what changes were made at a given time or use the arrow keys to quickly scan through many revisions.
- Changes are color-coded based on each collaborator, making it easy to tell what has been added or deleted.
- Time stamps are also improved in the new interface.
- The interface also batches revisions into groups of changes to make it easier to understand how a document has changed over time. To see a finer-grained list of revisions, click ‘Show more detailed revisions'.

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