How-to enable web access in ESX 4 vSphere

If you need to access your ESX 4.0 server through your web browser via HTTPS, you might not succeed at first try. You will receive an error "503 Service unavailable". So what to do?


01.) You first I check for the service if it's running or not. Go to the console and log in. Then type in following command to see if the service is running : (it's case sensitive)

service vmware-webAccess status

02.) Start the service:  service vmware-webAccess start

It seems that this service is disabled by default. Then, if you need to have web access enabled every time your start your ESX Server, then you can do it by executing folowing command:

chkconfig --level 345 vmware-webAccess on

or simply: chkconfig vmware-webAccess on