Horizon House

A weekend house sited in Karuizawa. built on small hill 2.5 metres above the public road.
The main rooms face towards the Southern part of the land, which is covered with lawn grass.
The L-shaped walls in the living room, dining room and study lead a person's gaze to the outside.
The living room has a double well-style ceiling , which visually harmonizes with the garden. Every room is located abreast, so they share a common view. The bed room which is covered with glass walls is located on the second floor that juts out into the garden and crosses over the living room.
The main bedroom on the second floor and the well-style living room are divided by glass walls, which generates an extended virtual effect.
The garage in the eastern space of the property is connected to the entrance hall through a twisted passage.
The occupants can enjoy the view of Mt. Asama in the Autumn through the windows of bathroom and gym room on the second floor in the western corner of the property.
The walls and floor slabs are made from concrete and are designed to blend and align with the background landscape.

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