Health ministry takes important steps to implement health insurance scheme for central government employees and pensioners

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi


Government of India is contemplating introduction of a Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government Employees and Pensioners and their family members all over India. Medical services will be provided to the beneficiaries by the Insurance Company(s) through hospitals, diagnostic laboratories and imaging centres to be empanelled by the Insurance Company(s).


Government is also contemplating accreditation by National Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) as an essential condition for the empanelment of hospitals for this scheme by the insurance companies. Similarly, diagnostic laboratories whether independent/standalone/housed in hospitals/outsourced, would have to obtain accreditation from National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration of Laboratories (NABL). Imaging centres would have to be approved by BARC / AERB. These requirements have already been made compulsory under the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).


Through this notice, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is informing all hospitals, diagnostic laboratories and imaging centres, who would be interested in empanelment under the proposed insurance scheme, that they should initiate action well in time to obtain the requisite accreditations / approvals.

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