Evernight Publishing Call for Submissions

Below is a call from a new e-publisher, Evernight Publishing, who is expected to launch October 2010.

With all new e-publishers it's a good idea to include a reasonable release date in your contract so that your manuscript doesn't end up in limbo if the venture fails.

Evernight Publishing http://www.evernightpublishing.com/

We're looking for new and established authors to join Evernight Publishing. We are currently accepting completed manuscripts of 10,000 to 80,000 words in sub-genres of romance and erotic romance, as well as urban fantasy.

Upon final acceptance, your book will be edited, assigned an ISBN, and our artist will create an eye-catching cover. It will be available for sale through Evernight Publishing website and also sold at several distributors.

At this time we are focusing on ebook publishing, but plan to offer POD publishing for titles 50,000+ words in the future.

Authors earn 40% gross royalties from sales off our website, and 40% net royalties from distributors.

Your book should be thoroughly edited before submitting. We want to see books that have well developed plots, strong conflicts, and memorable characters.

To submit:

Send a query letter with your name, pen name (if applicable), working title, word count, genre and any previous writing credits to: evernightsubmissions@gmail.com. Please add "SUBMISSION" to the subject field.

Attach a one page synopsis and the complete manuscript. We will send an acknowledgment within three days, and make a decision on your submission in less than one month. These guidelines will be updated as needed at: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/9373.html

Love, light, and laughter!
Jocelyn Modo