The Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride

Let me introduce to you a great project from Australia. From the website of the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride [GARR]:
Spanning ten weeks and five states and territories, the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride will launch some 400 Aussie rickshaw wallahs on a 2000-kilometer quest to raise awareness about global poverty.

The message is simple: alleviating global poverty is achievable through people powered change. It happens when people like you, people who care, decide to take action.

Central to the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride is the humble rickshaw – our people-powered vehicle for change.
On why GARR chose the cycle Rickshaws in Bangladesh:
During the GARR our Aussie rickshaw wallahs will be pedaling cycle rickshaws made in Bangladesh. These three-wheel machines are typical of the estimated half a million rickshaws that choke the streets of Dhaka.

Bangladeshi rickshaws are the most colourful in all Asia and have been called ‘mobile works of art’. A quarter of the cost of a rickshaw may go into its artwork.
Read more here.

Image courtesy GARR Facebook page.

The mission of the ride:
The ride will visit towns and cities, speaking in halls, universities, parks, schools, churches, (or anywhere that will take us really) about poverty alleviation and how Australians can help.
The inspiration:
The idea began with a man named Jeff whose passions include cycling and helping the poor of Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world. In an inspired moment, Jeff combined the two to make the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride. Jeff believed that a mammoth rickshaw marathon, could help Australians become aware of global poverty.

Pat and Di Jeffs have fond memories of a recent trip to Bangladesh, during which they were inspired to take part in the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride to help alleviate global poverty. Image courtesy World Countries - Australia

You can see the actions of the Great Aussie Rickshaw Ride in this Facebook album and get informed by following their Twitter account.

Please join the Facebook page of GARR to keep yourself informed and contact the organizers if you want to get involved.