Latest Obsession: Nail head Trim, part 3

I am still keeping my eyes open for fun inspiration with nail head trim and the May-June issue of Veranda Magazine led me right to Interior Designer turned Furniture Designer, Barry Dixon. Dixon's very liberal and creative use of nail heads had me captivated immediately. Much of his use involves creating very unique furniture shapes that are reinforced by the use of nail heads along the same lines.

Then I stumbled upon the ottomans and my heart skipped a beat! You can't help but appreciate the art of nail heads in these beauties.

 Later this week I will reveal my own DIY project and the plan to spruce up a boring bench with  sassy pearl vinyl and custom nail head accents. Stay tuned!

Previous Nail Head posts:
Latest Obsession: Nail Head Trim
Still Obsessing: Nail Head Trim

Beautiful Habitat: Interior Design & Decoration