CGHS pensioners seek a lasting solution

Scores of pensioners covered under Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in the capital are seeking a lasting solution to their travails concerning frequent denial of medical treatment by corporate hospitals. Many believe that a system of extending advance to private hospitals during the time of admission is the only way to address their problems.

With corporate hospitals denying admissions to retired CGHS beneficiaries, retired employees are forced to spend hard earned money from their pockets. The CGHS authorities are delaying payment of medical bills to private hospitals, which in turn refuse to admit CGHS pensioners till their bills are cleared.

In the tussle between CGHS and corporate hospitals, hapless pensioners are sufferers. “Government has to pay medical bills in advance to private hospitals like they do to employees who are still actively working in various departments,” demands Vice-president of A.G Office Pensioners Association G. S. Vittal. Working employees in Government Departments receive 80 per cent of their medical bills in advance during the time of admission to any corporate hospital. Usually, an estimate of the medical bill is sent from the private hospital to the employee’s department and 80 per cent of the estimated medical bill is released to the hospital immediately.

“When authorities can pay advance medical bills for working employees then why can’t they do the same for us?” Mr. Vittal asks. Every year, since 2007, the 30,000 pensioners and their families, covered under CGHS scheme, are facing the problem of denial of admissions by corporate hospitals because of non-payment of medical bills.

Pensioners suggest that authorities could also reserve few beds for them at private or even government hospitals. “We are not demanding that we get treatment only at private hospitals. We are open to get admitted to Gandhi or even Osmania General Hospitals if CGHS authorities reserve some beds exclusively for CGHS beneficiaries,” points out General Secretary of All Pensioners and Retired Persons Association Laxmi Narayana.

Source: The Hindu