Yet moving time. Destination Delft, Netherlands

Alright, here I am again ! Today is going to be another packing day, where I select the important stuff to take with me. Destination Delft, Netherlands; task "security expert"; organization iGov (University of Albany, USA) aka "how to approach people to politics through eGovernment".

What I aspect from this experience ? Well, for sure learning something more about eGovernment. As you probably know (if you read my blog) I've been working on electronic voting systems @ NIST (USA) and @ UCDavis (USA), so I know the meaning of security in these embedded systems, but I would like to see how not technical people see the problem under a political point of view. During the next 10 days I'll meet sociologists, politics, economists and so forth. The group is not really a technical one, I hope to be good enough for these "high level" topics. I will see.