Poetry Contest - Free to Enter

Here are some upcoming free poetry contests! Good Luck!!!

7/25: GLCA New Writers Awards

Recommended free contest offers a reading tour of 12 midwestern colleges, with a $500 honorarium per visit, for the author of a book of poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction that is the author's first published book in that genre. One winner in each category. Publisher should submit 4 copies of book along with publicity material. Book must have been published in the US or Canada between spring 2009 and spring 2010. Selection process favors recipients of major first-book awards.

7/30: Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Literature

Entries must be received by this date

Recommended free contest offers $25,000 fellowship for foreign-born writers aged 38 or under who are citizens or legal residents of the US. Enter online only. Poets, novelists, short fiction writers, and creative essayists are eligible. All genres compete together. See website for application form and required materials. The Vilcek Foundation honors and supports foreign-born scientists and artists who have made outstanding contributions to society in the United States.

7/31: Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award

Highly recommended free contest for unpublished poems by authors aged 11-17 offers free books, anthology publication, and other prizes. Online entries accepted.

7/31: Jerwood Aldeburgh First Collection Prize

Entries must be received by this date

Highly recommended free contest offers 3,000 pounds and a reading at the Aldeburgh Poetry Festival in Suffolk for the best first full-length collection of poetry published in Great Britain or Ireland since August 1 of the preceding year. Either publisher or author may submit 3 bound or proof copies of the book with a note indicating the date of publication. Include cover letter with contact information.

7/31: Linda Bruckheimer Series in Kentucky Literature

Don't enter before July 1

Recommended free contest offers publication by Sarabande Books, a high-quality literary press, for a manuscript of poetry, fiction, or essays (all genres compete together) about Kentucky or by Kentucky authors. Winner must agree to travel to readings within the state. You are eligible if you were born in Kentucky or have lived there for at least two years, or your book is set in or about Kentucky. Poetry manuscripts should be 48-100 single-spaced pages, prose manuscripts 150-250 double-spaced pages. No scholarly works, children's literature, or genre fiction.

7/31: Marie Alexander Poetry Series Book Contest

Recommended free contest offers $500 and publication for a book-length collection of prose poems by a US author, at least 48 single-spaced pages. Send one copy by regular mail and another copy by email as an MS Word or PDF file. The Marie Alexander Poetry Series is an imprint of White Pine Press, a well-regarded small press.

8/15: Memoir (and) Prizes for Prose or Poetry

Recommended free contest offers twice-yearly prizes for the best memoirs submitted to their magazine during each reading period (November 1-February 15, May 1-August 15). Online submissions preferred. Send 1-5 poems or one prose piece, maximum 10,000 words. See website for art formatting requirements. "Memoir (and) publishes memoirs in many forms. We strive with each issue to include a selection of prose, poetry, graphic memoirs, narrative photography, lies and more." Enter by mail or online.

8/16: Boardman Tasker Prize

Entries must be received by this date; formerly August 15

Recommended free contest offers 3,000 pounds for the best published book on the theme of mountains or mountaineering, first published or distributed in the UK between November 1 of the previous year and October 31 of this year. Entries must be submitted by publisher, and may be poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or drama. Early entries are encouraged.

Love, light, and laughter!
Jocelyn Modo