Night Duty Allowance:

Workers are entitled to get Night Duty Allowance @ 10 minutes for each

hourof work done between 22.00 hrs. to 06.00 hrs. in the night shift. The

prescribed hourly rate for NightDuty Allowance is (Pay + DA + CCA) / 200.

(For Night duty performed between 2200 hrs and 0600 hrs Calculated on the basis of

Weightage. Weightage is given as 10 minutes for every 1 hr of night duty While

calculating number of hours of Night Duty, than 30 minutes..... rounded of to 1 hour.

Less than 30 minutes.....ignored.)

NDA is calculated on the Weightage with a specific Rate. This Rate is

determined by the Govt. from time to time


An Industrial Employee is working in Night Shift between 22.00 hrs &

07.00 hrs. The total working hours will be 9.00 hrs. But Night Duty Hours

calculate from 2200 to 600 only, Night Duty hrs is 7 hrs. Weightage is 7 x

10 = 70mts

Note : Night Duty hrs does not include * Recess time *

Shift leave * performed during Night duty hours.

The prescribed hourly rate for (rate calculated asper the formula) For

one hour = (BasicPay + DA ) / 200.

(Railway Employees are getting modified rate But, still Ordnance

Employees are getting as per the IV th pay commission pay scale)

Night Shift Bonus

PWs who perform night shift are paid an extra 1/2hr pay called Night

Shift Bonus.

The hourly rate is.... 1/200 of the total of Basic pay, DA (But, still

getting as per the IV th pay commission pay scale