(Income-tax Employees Federation & Income-tax Gazetted Officers Association)
Manishinath Bhavan, A2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi – 110 027
'011 – 2510 5324, ' 09869477401 ' 09869504653
Joint Convenors, 13th July 2010
Ashok B Salunkhe / Rajesh D Menon
The Promotee officers and Staff of the Income tax Department are on agitation from the 7th of June, 2010 in pursuance of the 12-point Charter of demands. As the Central Board of Direct Taxes has shown hardly any seriousness in bringing about a negotiated settlement on the demands the employees and officers are forced to go on a day's token Strike on the 15th of July, 2010.
One of the important issues agitating the employees and officers is the outsourcing of the departmental functions especially in the Central Processing Centre set up at Bangalore. The proposal of the CBDT to outsource the Data entry and processing of returns was opposed by the Central JCA. Subsequently, in the meeting with the Chairman, CBDT, agreement was reached that only work of technical nature will be outsourced and the work hitherto done by the employees will not be outsourced. However, going against this agreement the CBDT has now outsourced almost all the work in the Central Processing Centre. At present out of the 600 persons working in the CPC only 32 persons are from Income Tax Department. Of the more than 3.5 lakhs returns processed in the CPC by the private vendors more than 80% of the work requires rectification for which these returns have been sent back to the department. Now these mistakes will have to be set right by the employees. According to our information even the CCIT of Karnataka Circle had to suffer because of the mistake committed by these private vendors and got a demand notice instead of a refund. Moreover the information given in the returns which is supposed to be confidential can go in to the hands of outsiders who can make use of them in any way they like. While we are not opposed to setting up of the Central processing Centre, we want that the job pertaining to our officers and employees to remain with them. The other major issue concerning the Officers and employees of the department is the promotion to the post of Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax which is lingering for almost two years. These promotions will have a cascading effect upto the level of the employees also.
The other important issues on which the strike action is called for are listed below:
1. a. Reimburse Mobile phone charges to all employees in the department
b. Sanction Laptops to all Gaz. Officers including newly promoted ITOs, AO,PS / Sr. PS, on non-returnable basis.
c. Provide Desktop computers to all Group C employees.
2. Publish Civil List without any further loss of time, on the lines it was issued till 2006. Publish seniority list of Group 'B' 'C' & 'D' employees as per Board's instructions on an annual basis.
3. Transfer DCIT / ACIT (who have completed 2 years cooling period and with spouse / medical / compassionate grounds, etc.).
4. Fill up all vacant posts in the Department.
5. Conduct DPC for ACIT for RY 2009-10 immediately and Start the work for RY2010-11, DPC for DCIT as on 01/01/2010 and DPC for Jt. CIT for IRS of 2000 & 2001 batch.
6. Resolve Pay Anomalies arising out of 6th CPC & Grant Grade pay of Rs.4,800/- to Private Secretaries and Administrative officers
7. After 4 Years of service ITO, AO, PS & Sr. PS must be placed in PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400.
8. Implement the cadre composition as suggested by ITEF based on 6th CPC report.
9. Honour the agreement with JCA on the Departmental Exams.
10.Dispose of all vigilance cases pending beyond one year.
11. Expedite the proposals submitted by Cadre Review Committee in toto.
Sd/- Sd/- (Ashok B Salunkhe) (Rajesh D Menon). Joint Convenors.