CVC Disposed of 1076 Cases in May 2010 Major Penalty Proceedings Recommened Against 111 Officers

 CVC Disposed of 1076 Cases in May 2010

Major Penalty Proceedings Recommened Against 111 Officers

The Central Vigilance Commission disposed of 1076 cases during May 2010 referred to it for advice. The Commission advised imposition of major penalty against 111 officers including 23 from M/o Railways, 14 each from Central Board of Excise & Customs and Punjab National Bank, 9 from Syndicate Bank, 5 from Central Coalfields Ltd., 4 each Andhra Bank, Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, 3 each from Deptt. of Atomic Energy and Deptt. of Telecommunications, Employees Provident Fund Organization and South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. Remaining 22 cases pertained to different departments of the Government of India and PSUs.

The Commission received 1413 ordinary complaints during the month. Of these, 1076 complaints were sent for necessary action/ATR whereas 95 complaints were sent for investigation and report. No action was required on 272 complaints.

On the Commission’s recommendations, the competent authorities issued sanctions for prosecution against 34 officers.

Recoveries to the tune of Rs.1.18 crore were affected after Commission conducted technical examination of some departments.