Faster find and more in new Google documents editor

New features in new Google documents editor now available

- Faster find
- Headings in the toolbar
- Bookmarks in the link dialogue

Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what's new:
- Faster find: Press Ctrl+F (⌘+F on Macs) to see a dropdown box where you can type the word or phrase you’re looking for in your document. As you type, all the matches in the doc will get highlighted and you can press your' enter' key to jump to the next match. For more advanced options or to replace text, access the ‘Find and Replace’ dialogue from the ‘Edit’ menu.
- Headings in the toolbar: Paragraph styles have been added to the toolbar to quickly apply formatting changes to your text.
- Bookmarks in the link dialogue: If you’ve added bookmarks to your document, you’ll also see these bookmarks as options when you create a new link.

For more information:
How to enable the new editor

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