iGov 2010. I'll be there!

A totally new experience for me. If you are one of the few selected researcher please contact me, we might get there together.

Today, digital government (DG) research is being conducted all over the world. Most of this work is focused within the geographic and political contexts of individual countries. However, given the growing influence of global economic, social, technical, and political forces, the questions embedded in digital government research are now expanding to international dimensions that focus on topics that cross the jurisdictions, cultures, or customs of different countries.
The iGov Research Institute, a week-long residential program, provides doctoral students from around the world an opportunity to assess the impact of information and communication technologies in the public sector and to understand the value of doing research in an international context. Developed by the Center for Technology in Government, under the sponsorship of the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Institute takes advantage of the experiences of a major city or region as an integral part of the program. It includes field visits and discussions with innovative government leaders, as well as academic sessions.