RFId Journal Article - Airbus Installs RTLS for Large-Component Assembly

Ubisense RFID tags, readers and software will make it easier for the French aircraft manufacturer to track production of key components for its A380 double-decker planes.
By Claire Swedberg

Feb. 19, 2010—Furthering its initiative to employ radio frequency identification technology to improve its efficiency in the manufacture and maintenance of its aircraft, Airbus is installing a real-time locating system (RTLS) provided by Ubisense at some of its assembly plants in Europe. The system, expected to go live by the end of this year's second quarter, will enable the company to track the production of large components for its A380 commercial passenger airliners, as the double-deck, wide-body, four-engine planes move from one zone to another within those facilities.

A Ubisense battery-powered RFID tag transmits a unique ID number via an ultra-wideband (UWB) RF band between 6 and 8.5 GHz. Readers (which Ubisense calls sensor units) capture that ID number and send it to a server via a cabled connection, along with location data. Software running on that server compares the tag signals as received from several readers, and then calculates the tag's location based on time difference of arrival (TDOA). Tags typically can be read at a distance of up to 160 meters (525 feet). The system can pinpoint each tag's location within 30 centimeters (12 inches), says Richard Green, Ubisense's CEO.

Currently, manual data entry is required to track the progress of a specific component in assembly. However, with the RFID system in place, the component's location would become automatically visible and in real time.

Once the system goes live, a tag will be affixed to the core of each large component before the assembly process begins. Within the facility, Ubisense sensor units will read the unique ID number of every tag as it moves through the plant. The Ubisense software creates zones based on locations within the assembly area in which each sensor unit is located, Green says, and can thereby determine when a given component has moved into a new zone, thus indicating it has begun a new procedure.

Internet-based Ubisense software can then send an alert if, for example, a component has remained too long in a specific location or zone, or issue a notification when a part passes from one process to the next. Once a component is fully constructed, its tag is removed for reuse on another item undergoing assembly.

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