Let us make Toyota Appear to be an Evil Player in the Game of Corporate Capitalism

Hi folks -- so word came out this morning that a document was found that suggests that Toyota placed profits ahead of safety. And later this week the president of Toyota will testify before a Congressional panel.
How crazy has our world become? Don't average folks recognize the excesses of government on one hand, the the influence of trial lawyers on the other? We live in a risk society. Period. It is so easy to take any letter or statement out of context and make a case. And I think that is what is happening here. Shame on you, U.S. government and the NHTSA! Plaintiff's lawyers and what they have done to restrict the free market and to diminish corporate activities are one sign of the end times for American greatness in the global economy.
Our culture wars are so marked by major divisions and our society is so divided that it does not augur well for the future of America.