How to Change Brake Rotors at the Same Time As Brake Pads

How to Change Brake Rotors at the Same Time As Brake Pads

Brake pads and brake rotors are the two most important components of an anti-lock braking system. The function of the brake pads is completely reliant upon the condition of the braking rotors and vice-versa. When changing brake pads, it is wise to also inspect the braking rotors. Rotors that are scored beyond repair or warped require replacement. Brake pads need to be replaced when the wear indicators connected to the pads begin to make contact with the rotors. It is not only possible to change the brake rotors at the same time as the brake pads, it is recommended.


Replacing the Brake Pads


    Loosen the lug nuts on the wheels with the tire iron. Lift the vehicle with a lifting jack, place jack stands beneath the frame of the vehicle, remove the lug nuts then pull the wheels from the wheel bolts.


    Remove the caliper bolts with a 13 mm wrench. The caliper is the metal apparatus that surrounds a portion of the braking rotor. It contains the brake pads and the caliper pistons that force the pads into contact with the rotor during braking. The two caliper bolts are on the inside wall of the caliper, the side closest to the frame of the vehicle.


    Pull the caliper away from the rotor. Remove the brake pads from the inside walls of the caliper. Depending on the vehicle, you may need to use a flat head screwdriver to disengage the thin metal clips that hold the brake pads to the caliper. Other vehicles will simply require you to slide the brake pads from the sides of the caliper by hand.


    Open the hood of the vehicle and locate the master cylinder; it is usually near the windshield on either the driver's or passenger's side. Remove the cap from the master cylinder.


    Place the C-clamp around the caliper piston and the outside wall of the caliper. Twist the C-clamp, forcing the caliper piston against the side of the caliper.


    Place the new brake pads onto the walls of the caliper.

Replacing the Rotor


    Pull the rotor from the wheel bolts on the vehicle. If the rotor is stuck to the wheel bolts, spray the wheel bolts and the rotor surface with chain lubricant. Spray one rotor and attempt to remove the other rotor while the chain lubricant works to relieve the bond. If the rotor is still stuck to the steering knuckle, use a hammer to tap on the back side of the rotor until it is free from the wheel bolts.


    Remove the new rotor from its packaging. Spray the entire rotor with brake cleaner. Remove the brake cleaner and packing oil from the surface of the rotor with a clean towel.


    Place the new rotor onto the wheel bolts. Make sure that the top hat section is facing outward (the top hat section is the side of the rotor with a protruding ring in the center).


    Place the caliper with the new pads around the new rotor. Replace the caliper bolts with the 13 mm wrench.


    Replace the wheel onto the wheel bolts and screw on the lug nuts by hand. Lift the vehicle with a lifting jack, remove the jack stands and lower the vehicle to the ground. Tighten the lug nuts with the tire iron.