List all Users and Groups in Domain


From the support tools we can find LDIFDE.exe, which is a tool for bulk import and export of Active Directory Objects. You can use LDIFDE to import new user records into the directory, or export specific information on specific users into a text file. LDIFDE defaults to export mode (reading From the Directory). When you add the -i option it can be used to write changes into the Directory. Also, if you want to export and extract only specific details, such as the user name, title and login name for all the users in a specific OU (Organizational Unit), you can run the following command:

ldifde -f C:\ldif\ExportUsers.ldf –s SERVERNAME -d "OU=YourOUname,dc=YourDomainName,dc=com" -p subtree -r "(objectClass=User)" -l "cn,givenName,Title,SamAccountName"