Many hi-tech devices now come with many accessories, components, and specific parts. For instance, there are many computer related devices that over time will require new parts. One such part is a toner cartridge for a computer printer. New toner cartridges can be quite expensive, especially if one goes through them often. When looking to save some money, many people will sell their used toner cartridges. Below are a number of ways you can sell used toner cartridges:
1.) You can sell your used toner cartridges by taking them to an office supply store and switch them for a discount on a new toner cartridge. For instance, Staples will provide a discount for each toner cartridge that is exchanged. One also has the option to mail the used cartridge back to the company and you will be sent a credit discount for a new toner cartridge. There are many office supply chains and manufacturers of the cartridges that provide this service. You can also exchange your toner cartridge for store credit. Some stores will allow twenty five used toner cartridges each day and in return they will give store credit on any item. Staples gives credit for HP, Lexmark, Dell, or Kodak cartridges FedEx Kinkos, Walgreen’s, and Best Buy also have recycling toner cartridge programs. Many toner manufacturers have an agreement with stores which permits the store to buy used toner cartridges.
2.) Another way of selling used toner cartridges is selling the cartridges from an online purchaser. There are a number of online companies that buy used printer toner cartridges. You can get approximately $20.00 for a high end cartridge and around $3 for a low-end cartridge. To locate one of these online toner cartridge buyers, you can just do a search engine search to find one. It is important to sell to a reputable online buyer so you do not get paid less than what the cartridge is worth.
3.) You can also use your toner cartridge for raising funds for community organizations, school groups, and charity. These groups will hold recycling events to collect and sell used cartridges. There are a number of office supply stores that participate in these programs such as Office Depot, Staples, and OfficeMax...etc.
4.) The United States Postal Service now has a program where one can take in their used toner cartridge for recycling. You can get a prepaid envelope where you put in the old cartridge and mail it back to an electronics recycling company.
There is a big and lucrative industry created around purchasing old toner cartridges and reselling them. Old cartridges are simply refurbished, and then refilled with the right toner, and resold. Cartridges with a built-in print head will usually be worth more than other toner cartridges. For other brands you should look on the box or instructions that come with the cartridge. The best thing about selling your printer toner cartridge is not only the extra bit of money you will receive, but you will be doing something good for the environment.