A 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix has drum brakes in the rear. Whenever you replace them, you need to replace both of them at the same time or the vehicle may begin pulling to one side when you stop. In addition, you need to replace the springs that attach them as they lose tension over time. You also need to be aware the the dust created by the brake system may contain asbestos, and it's a good idea to wear a filtering mask.
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Loosen but do not remove the lug nuts on both rear tires.
2Raise the rear of the Grand Prix and support it on jack stands. Block the front wheels with pieces of wood or bricks to keep the vehicle from rolling off the jack stands.
3Release the parking brake. Remove the lug nuts and the wheel on the side you are going to work on first.
4Remove the brake drum. That's the round disc through which the lug nuts are protruding. Hit it with a hammer until it loosens up enough so that you can remove it.
5Clean the brake assembly with brake system cleaner.
6Use a pair of brake spring pliers to remove the actuator spring located to the upper right.
7Wedge a flat-head screwdriver under the spring next to the brake shoe. Pry up to remove the shoe, the adjusting screw and the actuator lever.
8Pry the retractor spring from the trailing brake shoe. That's the one toward the rear of the car. Swing the shoe out from the hub area to gain access to the parking brake cable.
9Rotate the brake shoe until the slot lines up to release the parking brake lever from the shoe.
10Use a screwdriver to pry the retractor spring over until the spring releases.
11Lubricate the contact surfaces of the backing plate and the adjuster screw, using high-temperature grease. Make sure the screw turns freely.
12Install the new shoes by reversing the previous steps.
13Set the preliminary shoe adjustment on the adjuster so that the diameter of the linings is snug as you install the drum. Make sure it can still turn.
14Check the drum before reinstalling, looking for cracks, score marks, deep scratches and hard spots, which will present themselves as a blue discolored area. Remove them with an emery cloth if found. If you cannot remove imperfections, you will need to take the drums to an automotive store or brake specialty store to have them turned to remove the imperfections.
15Mount the wheel and reattach the lug nuts. Lower the vehicle to the ground. Tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.
16Apply and release the brake pedal three dozen times using normal pedal force, pausing one second between pedal applications.
17Ensure that both wheels turn freely.