- Shared folders: You now have the ability to share entire folders with other collaborators.
- Upload multiple files: You can now upload multiple files to Docs simultaneously instead of uploading individually.
- Return of 'Items not in folders' section.
Editions included:
Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions
Languages included:
All languages supported by Google Docs
How to access what's new:
Shared folders: Select the folder in your docs list, then select 'share this folder' beside the folder name. The sharing dialog is just like sharing an individual document.
Upload multiple files: Click on 'Upload', then click on 'Select files to upload' and use 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' to pick multiple files. Then press 'Start upload' to upload and convert the files to Google Docs all in one go.
Items not in folders: In the navigation on the left of the Docs list, Click 'More searches' and then 'Items not in folders'.
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