How to Change the Brake Pads on a Town & Country

How to Change the Brake Pads on a Town & Country

The brake pads on a Town and Country provide safety to its driver and passengers. Brakes work by squeezing pads against a rotor to slow a car or van down. Over time, these pads wear down. Faulty brake pads affect the safety of a car's occupants. Brake pads can last between 30,000 to 70,000 miles, and they should be inspected every 15,000 miles or anytime there is trouble with the brake system.



    Find a flat surface to park your Town and Country. Take a lug wrench and loosen the lug nuts on the front end's wheels. Then remove the wheels. Use a jack to lift the front corner of the van. Place the jack stands under the frame, and then lower the van down on the stands.


    Disconnect the negative battery cable from the car's battery. Then drain out two-thirds of the brake fluid.


    Unscrew one side of caliper guide bolts. These should be on the outside of the brake assembly.


    Slide the caliper upward from the rotor. Take a piece of wire and suspend it. You do not want it hanging by the brake line.


    Remove the metal clip from the brake pad with a flathead screwdriver. After the clip is off, remove the brake pad. Pull firmly on the inner brake pad until it pops out.


    Use a C-clamp to compress the caliper piston. You can protect the piston head with a piece of scrap wood.


    Take the new inner brake pad and pop it into the caliper. Then slide the outer pad into its place. It should be held firmly by the metal clip.


    Slide the caliper back in place and reinstall the bolts previously remove. Using your torque wrench, you will want to torque them to 196 pounds/inches or 17 pound-feet.


    Repeat Steps 2-8 for the vehicle's remaining sides.


    Reinstall the wheels and also replace the lug nuts by screwing them back on hand tight. Remove the car off the jack and jack stands and lower it to the ground. You will want to use torque the lug nuts to 95 pounds. Pump the brakes three to five times until it feels normal. You will also need to add brake fluid back since you drained it.