Cloud adoption and getting voted best mid-market solution at the Mid-sized Enterprise Summit

Last week, I attended the Mid-sized Enterprise Summit West in Los Angeles. I enjoyed the opportunity to hear from industry leaders and thinkers and connect with CIOs and senior IT leaders from a wide variety of companies and industries. The hot topic of the conference? Cloud computing and how it can drive innovation.

Several speakers touched upon using the latest Internet technologies to accelerate business results. Geoffrey Moore presented on the importance of businesses focusing on their core competencies as a way of driving innovation and amplifying their competitive advantage. Andrew McAfee, who teaches at Harvard Business School and coined the phrase "Enterprise 2.0," explained how the collaborative opportunities offered by tools such as wikis and user-rated intranet search results can reinvigorate employee engagement and accelerate innovation.

It was heartening to hear these ideas because this is very much how we do things at Google and what we hear from our leading-edge customers. For example, it's very common practice for our global, cross-functional teams to use Google Sites (an easy way to create and publish web pages) to manage product launches (just recently, JohnsonDiversey talked about how Google Sites powers a global leadership council, an HR talent review process, and many other things).

Finally, in our breakout sessions we showcased how businesses have utilized the wide range of tools that Google offers for business – for example, Hamilton Beach, which has been able to free up IT resources and focus on its core business.

Finally, we took the pulse of the conference by surveying attendees on their attitude toward Software as a Service (SaaS) or, as it's also known, cloud computing. Our survey reached about 70% of the conference attendees, and it's interesting to note that 46% reported either "actively embracing the cloud" or having "implemented one or two apps." That said, another 40% described themselves as "curious but hesitant," so it was great for us to engage with audiences who still have questions about how Google Apps can work for their business.

We were also grateful that conference participants voted us "Best Midmarket Solution – Services" the second time in a row. Thanks, MES, for another great event! We hope to see everyone in the spring.

Posted by Mike Lee, Google Apps team

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