New Google Web Elements for Spreadsheets and Presentations

We conclude our Spotlight on Developers series with a look at Google Web Elements for spreadsheets and presentations.

At Google I/O, the concept of "copy/paste development" was introduced in the form of Google Web Elements. For Google spreadsheets and presentations, these web elements offer a quick way to get a snippet of code that allows you to embed your document anywhere on the web.

First you'll need to publish your spreadsheet, then you can go to the Spreadsheets Elements page to enter in the published URL, the size of the element you'd like and the range of data you are interested in displaying, and "voila!", the snippet is there for you to copy and paste into any webpage. Here's an example spreadsheet:

You can do this with published presentations as well. After you publish your presentation, you can go to the Presentations Elements page to enter the published URL and the size of the element you'd like. Get the snippet of code and paste in into any webpage.

While you're on the Google Web Elements page, be sure to check out the other Google products that you can embed into your website.